How to Make Dental Visits Fun for Kids
Dental anxiety is common – especially among children. Here’s how parents can make dental visits fun and stress-free.

How to Make Dental Visits Fun for Kids

We understand that going to the dentist can be scary. Dental anxiety is common – especially among children coming for their first visit. However, alleviating those fears at a young age can be the key to less stressful dental visits in adulthood and can translate into healthy lifelong dental habits! Read on to learn how to make your child’s dental visit enjoyable.

Making the Dentist Fun

One effective way to alleviate dental anxiety in children is to make their visit to the dentist more enjoyable. By associating fun things with the dentist, children may feel less scared and even excited about their dental appointments. Here are five tips to make dental visits more fun for children of all ages:

1.    Positive Preparation: Be a good role model by regularly letting your child see you brushing, flossing, and caring for your teeth. As babies, “brush” their teeth with a wet washcloth. As toddlers and preschoolers, including them in family tooth-brushing times can help them establish healthy habits. If you have a dentist appointment, bring your child to show them there’s nothing to be afraid of.

2.    Reading Books: There are many wonderful children’s books about visiting the dentist! Include them in your story time routines to instill healthy messages through fun characters and stories. The Adams County Library System has many of these books in its collection, available for checkout!

3.    Bring a Toy: Before heading to the dentist, encourage your child to bring their favorite stuffed animal or blanket for comfort. Engaging in some "pretend play" with your child a few days before the appointment might also be helpful. You can pretend that their stuffed animal is going to the dentist, too, which can help your child understand what to expect. Or, you can have them practice good oral hygiene by having them pretend to brush their stuffed animal's teeth!

4.    Costume Time: Let your child wear a special outfit or costume to the dentist. Dr. DeFilippo loves to see kids in Halloween costumes, princess outfits, Superman capes, and favorite sports jerseys. These special outfits can be fun for kids who might otherwise feel scared or shy.

5.    Drive Time Fun: Make the car ride to and from the dentist a fun travel experience. As you pass Gettysburg Dental Associates on your daily or weekly travels, be sure to point out our white building and bright, colorful sign out front, saying, “There’s our dentist!” Your positive enthusiasm will familiarize your child with our office before they even step foot inside. Play a special game or music during the car ride to and from their visits to set the tone that this is a unique and fun experience.

Visiting Just Kids

At Just Kids, part of Gettysburg Dental Associates, we are committed to providing a positive and healthy experience for both children and parents during dental treatments. We take a family-centered approach to dentistry and have the necessary expertise, facilities, and equipment to cater to the dental needs of everyone in your family, from children to adults to older patients.

Parents often wonder when to begin bringing their children to the dentist. The American Dental Association recommends your baby’s first dental visit take place soon after their first tooth appears.

Regular dental checkups during childhood can lay the foundation for good dental health. This is why Dr.Stephanie DeFilippo, co-owner of Gettysburg Dental Associates, decided to become a pediatric dental specialist – to tackle dental anxiety at its root. You can learn more about Dr. DeFilippo here.

The most important thing for parents to remember is that children mimic behavior. As parents, emulating positive, nurturing dental experiences can lay the foundation for a lifetime of healthy, stress-free dental visits and care.

Schedule an appointment for your child today!