Digital dentures are the latest technology available to patients and use computer-aided design tools to create accurate and comfortable dentures that fit perfectly. This technology eliminates the traditional way of creating dentures that involves uncomfortable molds of your teeth, and multiple visits to adjust or fit the dentures properly. The impressions with digital dentures are immediately sent to a lab and using 3D technology the dentures can be made quickly. Patients return for one last appointment to have their dentures fit, and to ensure they are comfortable.
The digital dentures process is minimally invasive and only requires a few appointments. The computer-aided software along with a wand will scan your mouth and take accurate images of your teeth and gums. Once the design is complete, the denture machine prints a 3D wax model to ensure your dentures fit perfectly. The patient must return to try on the model and ensure you can speak properly and the model feels comfortable when worn. The model is then sent out to the lab for final processing. Patients must return for a final appointment to try on their dentures.
Traditional dentures can cause sore spots in your mouth or can cause irritation. Many people face problems when their dentures do not fit properly and have issues speaking or eating. With 3D printed dentures you can get a precise and accurate fit, and eliminate issues with slipping or irritation. We want you to be able to wear your dentures comfortably and enjoy eating the foods you love. Our 3D printed dentures process can ensure you receive quality dentures quickly and in fewer trips to our office.
If you have issues with your current dentures, or would like to find out if you can benefit from 3D printed dentures, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with us. We are committed to providing the very best care, and always make our patients’ health a priority. Our team can help you decide if 3D-printed dentures are right for you.
To schedule your appointment contact Gettysburg Dental Associates, and our staff will be happy to assist you.